Thursday, February 17, 2011

disappointing BOE inflation report causes a sell-off in cable

Some improvement in the US data yesterday helped bring about some dollar strength before headlines pertaining to the Middle East contributed to price volatility.

Cable got sold off yesterday and a somewhat disappointing BOE inflation report. The general tone was dovish commenting that risk remains to the level of inflation. UK unemployment data was disappointing as well.

Aussie traded weakly in London session as Moody’s placed the 4 major Australian banks on watch for possible downgrade.

Today we have quite a lot of data coming out of the US especially the US CPI.

Data today
Euro zone consumer confidence – 3pm GMT
US CPI – 1.30pm GMT
US Initial Jobless Claims – 1.30pm GMT
US leading indicators - 3pm GMT
US Philadelphia Fed index – 3pm GMT

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